We left campus around 3:00 with a grumpy Dick and some awkward girl. The ride home was quiet though, because we were all tired. After arriving at home, I gave Julie a tour of my house and then we went out for her first fish fry down at Olympia. I believe that she thoroughly enjoyed that fishy. After that we went to the baseball game down at the high school where they were losing 10 - 0. O yes. Good ol' G-Town sports...How I missed them. Then the good part: Midnight bowling! Julie got to experience a little piece of the bowling craze in WNY. She did well too, and was impressed by Ben's mad skills. Emma also came with us which was nice because I had not seen her since all this shit hit the fan. We then took Julie to Timmy Ho's for the first time where we got doughnuts and caffeine. Her first time and she wins a coffee on roll up the rim. Not a boat like she was hoping for, but a winner all the same. Beginners luck.
Next came Saturday:
We slept as long as we could before being awakened because we needed to go to Wal Mart. I think we made more trips to Wal Mart this weekend than I ever have made in such a short amount of time. After all of this, we went to Ashley's to finish painting some grass on the mural and finally to the baby shower. It was a good time. Surrounding myself with all this baby makes me want one desperately. I clearly know I am not ready for that yet, because we all know what needs to happen for a baby to enter into my care. I have been thinking about the parenting idea. It seems almost scary that anyone can just get pregnant and then have this little life suddenly in their possession. That is such a big responsibility, and anyone can take it on. It's almost not fair to that child. Most people that get pregnant outside of marriage are in no ways qualified to take care of a life outside of their own. Parenting is a greater responsibility than many things in life, like driving, college, or working, because its not just our own life you are worrying about. At least when you go to college or get your licence there is something that you have to do to make sure that you are qualified. Parenting, heck you could be living on the streets, get pregnant, and 9 months later BAM you have a child! Scary.
Well that was a really random tangent. Anyways, after the baby shower we went to my dad's for a BBQ rib dinner and some good times. Then, the highlight of our weekend Niagara Falls! It was so cute watching Julie get all excited to watch some water flow over a cliff. She was like a little kid on Christmas! We then drove back to my house to watch Sweeny Todd with Benjamin. I'm sure it was a good movie, but I spent two hours falling asleep in Benjamin's arms. It was cute. :] Can't say there are many things better than that.
Last but not least came Sunday:
First things first, church. Hm. That was an interesting series of events. It was good, but I was a little scared since my mother spent 20 minutes after church talking to someones parents in the church office. I guess they were just curious as to what happened since I never picked him up from the airport last weekend. At least that is all I could get out of my mother. I already have one set of parent's hating me, the last thing I need is another one, especially not this one. The rest of Sunday was spent hanging out at my house until Dick finally called giving us the time and location for pick-up. It was a boring ride home, and Dick was still acting sour. :[
Now it's back to school for the next two weeks and if there has ever been a time to it the books, this is it. I am planning on living in the library for the next 14 nights, drinking large amounts of coffee, and studying hard. I am beginning to regret some of my decisions not to apply myself as much as a I could be (as I sit in class and write this post), but I really think I am going to start trying. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise that I hate being in my room. The weather here is also going to be extremely conducive to studying since the 10-day forecast calls for rain almost every day. This is going to be a very demanding time, and I am looking forward to going home for the summer and sleeping for hours and hours.
Well this post has gotten long enough and I should probably start paying attention now. Enjoy your weeks!
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