December 16, 2007

College Life and Finals Week

So it is the night before my last but hardest final and ask me how hard I studied. 2 hours! That is it. Tomorrow is going to be horrible but so amazing at the same time. I am not prepared at all for Biology, but honestly at this point I don't even care. Tonight was probably one of the funnest nights that I have had here so far. It was a day filled with The Suite Life of Zach and Cody marathons, dance parties, chinese food, "dice games", and amazing ab workouts. All of this was done with some seriously amazing girls! This is what college is all about. We work so hard, but we certainly know how to take a break. Even if we shouldn't.

Becca and I did 200 sit ups tonight. It was hard but worth it. We are going to try and do this every night from now on. We'll see how long it lasts, usually things like this don't always last. Who knows though. Maybe this will be the one exception. O please let it be!

Home tomorrow! Home! Home! Home! 24 hours from now I will be in my own bed after just spending and amazing evening watching movies and being with Benjamin. O how I love him! He makes everything that I do here worth it. There wouldn't be much to go home for without him. However, I am also very excited to see my friends and to have an entire month to do nothing school related! An entire month! That seems almost impossible...And right now I can't even fathom it. I am even excited to go back to work. I want to serve coffee to all the regulars, and I can't wait to catch up with all the ladies. It is going to be so nice!

Well, I suppose I should study at least a little more before I go to bed. Yikes...I am really scared! Good news though...Katelyn and I are wearing our doctor gear for the test tomorrow. Scrubs, lab coat, and stethoscope! Lovely! O man...Just a side note here, I hate having a roommate who studies ALL the time. She makes me feel so bad and then she just always stresses about it. What a way to live...No thanks. I'll take my B's and have a little fun please. Okay just need to vent about that a little. Goodnight world!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Yeah, I just live with you so commenting on your blog is sorta dumb but whatever.

We totally are doing 200 a night. You bet this will be the one exception! I determined. I love you so so so much, and I really don't appreciate those comments you made about my study habits. I didn't know I made you feel bad.

*totally lol*

I'm going to miss you Doctor.

I'm glad you get to go home to one of the best guys ever.