June 1, 2009

Late Night Thinking

Sometimes the thoughts just can't wait until morning or sometime the next day to be put down. I believe that I work the best and think the clearest in the late hours of the night. It is when everyone else is sleeping that I can think clearest and work my best. If I was ever going to be a writer of any kind, I think I would do all of my work late at night. It is so peaceful. If it was warmer outside I would be out on the back porch right now, at 1:45 in the morning. Instead, picture this if you will, I am sitting in the basement inside of a one person Winnie the Pooh tent that my little brother managed to acquire today. I am nestled into a bundle of blankets and the song We Weren't Crazy by Josh Gracin is playing softly in the background. Real quick, can I just take the time to say how much I love Rascal Flatts and their new C.D. I don't know what they are going through, but the C.D. that they put out before this one was filled with love songs and now this one is a bit more depressing, not so happy. I don't mind, speaks to me in my time of need as well as many others I am sure. The best part is, my favorite song, Unstoppable is what they named their C.D. after. Give it is a listen and you will see what I mean. It should be the song that is playing on my blog right now, so turn up that volume.

Today was Sunday and unfortunately I had to work this evening. It almost seems like a completely different day already, like I did not even work today, but unfortunately the throbbing of my feet tells me otherwise. After work tonight I went and spent some time with my good friend Ashley who is having some guy problems of her own at the moment. It is not so much that I can relate to what she is going through, but the fact that I am there to listen and try to offer her some advice when possible. It is hard to know where she is really at, what to say, what not to say because we do have differing views on a lot of life. What I do know is that I am going to be as real as I possibly can with her. All that I went through this year is no secret, and I feel comfortable sharing it with any girl that wants to listen or feels like they can relate. Did I make mistakes? Undoubtedly. But despite any of that, I learned so much more. And what is more important, is that there is no denying God's grace and His hand working in any of it. I was not shy in mentioning tonight that without my faith, without Jesus, I would not be where I am right now. I will make that perfectly clear to anyone who wants to hear my story.

Tonight as I drove home I realized how much I love driving, especially alone. I can think and pray more than most other times throughout my day. I pulled into my driveway at about 1:30 this morning and just sat there for a couple minutes before getting out of the car. Tonight was a beautiful night, another great thing about living in a small town in the middle of nowhere. The stars were out and the moon (half moon) was huge and orange. You know what I am talking about? And it was beautiful because those little wispy clouds were slightly covering it, but not too much. Just enough to add a cool effect. I could not help but stand there and soak it all in for a few moments, taking the time to thank the Lord for absolutely everything.

Today was Sunday, which means that I went to church this morning! It was actually the first time in a few weeks that I was at my own church because I have been such a gypsy lately. Last week I went to a Catholic service with my grandmother and who knows where I was the week before. Anyways, it served as the rejuvenation and refreshment that I have been looking for. Today's message talked about sanctification and becoming a sanctified people. The main passage for the message this morning was 1 Peter 4:1-6 and I would highly recommend looking into it if you get the chance. The words of Pastor Vern that stuck with me the most came as he defined sanctification; becoming so tuned in to what God is doing that you see Him everywhere. I can't quite imagine that, obviously because God is not done with me yet. I mean can you imagine being that in tune with God that you can see how He is at work in everything? Another great analogy that was brought to my attention this morning was our Christian walk being described as a yo-yo. We all know that it is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, in betweens, blacks, whites, and shades of gray. While we are going through these highs and lows however we are learning and growing with each step of the way. So instead of just a yo-yo, it is more like we are yo-yoing while continually climbing up a flight of stairs. I can see it in my own life. I just know that slowly but surely Jesus is infiltrating every area of my life. When I finally give Him one thing, He asks for another and then another. Hands down, Jesus is pretty much the coolest person I know. End of discussion.

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