May 22, 2009

Sir Wellington and Mrs. Mississippi

Today, the day I have been dreading for months, the day that I thought would be depressing and a tough one to get through, turned out to be one of the greatest that I have had in a while. It began as a good day with tennis, a long drive out to Rochester, and cooking dinner with Di. What really ended the day with a bang was a nice long walk on the beach, ice cream cone in hand, and sunset in the background. It was like a movie. I was wearing a skirt and flip-flops, and the wind was lightly blowing. I love watching the people. Tonight I did not even cringe at the sight of cute couples holding hands watching as their kids ran ahead chasing seagulls. Instead of grow green with envy and jealousy, I watched and really appreciated them. I trust that my time will come soon enough. So Di and I took a nice long walk and talked about life. It was the most relaxing and peaceful time that I have experienced in a long time. And once again I stand in awe, completely amazed at how God works. The day that I thought for certain would be the toughest to get though ended up being a day that I can look back on and actually smile. Let me tell you, God is good.

Can I just say that the men who will be privileged enough to spend their lives with either Di or I, well they will be two very lucky guys. Because guys, we can cook. For dinner we cooked chicken wellington, asparagus, and cinnamon buns topped with fresh strawberries. We then decided to test out a dessert and chose Mississippi Mud Pie. It was the fanciest, most sophisticated meal that I have ever cooked. And we did it all by our lonesome. It all went off without a hitch, well except for the part when I put aluminum foil in the microwave. I don't know why I am telling you this, I suppose to add a little laughter to your life. I needed to soften a piece of chocolate from a candy bar because I was making chocolate curly-q shavings. Well I accidentally left the aluminum part on the wrapper. I thought it was just paper, but I was not really thinking. Luckily I only put it in for 5 seconds, but that 5 seconds was the longest of my life. We watched in horror as a mini-lightening storm occurred inside of the microwave, ending in the candy bar catching on fire. I quickly blew it out and life resumed as usual, so no need to be alarmed. But other than that everything turned out even better than I would have expected.

So pretty much life has been great since school has ended. The saying is true, home is where the heart is. I am getting excited for the summer to begin and to spend it in the Adirondacks! I can't wait to see how God is going to use me there and what He is going to teach me. I feel like God has taught me so much in the past few months, how could I possibly deserve to be blessed with anything more? But the good news is that God keeps on giving and giving, He never grows tired of it. He never stops loving us or stops teaching us. I just really love Jesus a lot. So this summer is going to be a time of preparation and hopefully maturation. I hope to come back to school refreshed, ready to tackle my role as an RA, as a student, and as a friend. I challenge you to do the same. Well it is time for this girl to settle in for the night. Di and I plan on falling asleep to the sweet sounds of Rory and Lorelai Gilmore.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

not gonna lie -- all this food looks AMAZING!! and the pie does look really good lol